FCS Blog
FCS Blog
Being an Activator
In our bustling world of carpools, homework help, and endless activities, it's
easy to forget our profound calling as Christians. Jesus did not just call us to be
passive believers – He called us to be activators of faith in others' lives.
When Jesus spoke of us being "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the
world," He was describing an active, transformative presence. Salt doesn't just
sit in a shaker – it transforms everything it touches. Light doesn't merely exist –
it illuminates darkness and guides the way for others.
Matthew 5:16 challenges us directly: "Let your light shine before others, that
they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." This verse is
not suggesting we merely maintain our faith privately; it is calling us to
demonstrate it boldly through our actions.
As a family of Faith, we have unique opportunities to be activators every day:
- In how we handle disagreements with grace
- Through the way we serve others, even when inconvenient
- By openly sharing how God is working in our lives
- In modeling forgiveness and redemption to our children
When we actively live out our faith, our children learn that Christianity is not
just about Sunday mornings or Bible class – it's about being a living testament
to God's transformative power in every moment.
Consider this week: Where has God positioned you to be an activator? Perhaps
it is with a neighbor going through a difficult time or even within your own
family. Don't hide the light He has given you. Your willingness to shine might
be exactly what someone else needs to see God's love in action.
Remember, we are not called to blend in with the world, but to transform it
through Christ's love shining through us. Let us commit together to being
active, intentional witnesses of His grace in our school community and beyond.
Valerie Rose
Principal, FCS Elementary