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FCS Blog

September 09, 2024
By Valerie Rose

Greetings Faith Christian School families,
As we journey together in nurturing our children's growth, we want to emphasize the crucial role of reading in their
academic and spiritual development. The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 18:15, "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." This wisdom underscores the importance of continuous learning, which is
deeply rooted in strong reading skills.
In the early grades (K-3), our focus is on teaching children how to read, building their fluency and confidence. As they
progress, this foundation enables them to read to learn, enhancing their comprehension and critical thinking skills. This
transition is vital for their future academic success.
Research shows that students who read independently for just 15 minutes a day within their comfort zone (also known
as their zone of proximal development) significantly improve their vocabulary and are more likely to excel academically.
As the complexity of tasks increases with each grade level, daily reading practice becomes even more crucial.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." Regular reading
not only enhances academic skills but also deepens our understanding of God's word and His plan for our lives.
To help your child develop a strong reading habit, consider these suggestions:
1. Set aside a daily "family reading time" where everyone reads together.
2. Create a cozy reading nook in your home to make reading more inviting.
3. Let your child choose books that interest them, within appropriate reading levels.
4. Read aloud to your child, even as they grow older, to model fluency and expression.
5. Discuss what you're reading as a family, encouraging comprehension and critical thinking.
Remember, consistent, high-quality reading practice can significantly impact your child's academic journey. By fostering
a love for reading, we're not just preparing them for academic success, but also equipping them with a lifelong tool for
growth, learning, and spiritual development.
Let's work together to make reading an essential part of our daily lives, knowing that we're laying a strong foundation for
our children's future success.
Serving Christ Jesus and His children,
Valerie Rose, Ed. S.
Principal, FCS Elementary